Results for 'Jean Raoul Carré'

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  1.  9
    Réflexions sur l'anti-Pascal de Voltaire.Jean-Raoul Carré - 1935 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
    Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
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    La distinction entre l'âme et l'esprit chez Lavelle.Jean-Raoul Sansen - 2004 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 2:271-280.
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  3. The Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson.Alfred Kazin Alfred R. Ferguson and Jean Ferguson Carr - 1987
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    Derrida/Searle: Deconstruction and Ordinary Language.Raoul Moati & Jean-Michel Rabaté - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Raoul Moati intervenes in the critical debate that divided two prominent philosophers in the mid-twentieth century. In the 1950s, the British philosopher J. L. Austin advanced a theory of speech acts, or the "performative," that Jacques Derrida and John R. Searle interpreted in fundamentally different ways. Their disagreement centered on the issue of intentionality, which Derrida understood phenomenologically and Searle read pragmatically. The controversy had profound implications for the development of contemporary philosophy, which, Moati argues, can profit greatly by (...)
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    Quantifying the Ebbinghaus figure effect: target size, context size, and target-context distance determine the presence and direction of the illusion.Hester Knol, Raoul Huys, Jean-Christophe Sarrazin & Viktor K. Jirsa - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    On the existence of strongly normal ideals overP κ λ.Donna M. Carr, Jean -Pierre Levinski & Donald H. Pelletier - 1990 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 30 (1):59-72.
    For every uncountable regular cardinalκ and any cardinalλ≧κ,P κ λ denotes the set $\left\{ {x \subseteqq \lambda :\left| x \right|< \kappa } \right\}$ . Furthermore, < denotes the binary operation defined inP κ λ byx (...))
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    On the existence of strongly normal ideals overP κ λ.Donna M. Carr, Jean-Pierre Levinski & Donald H. Pelletier - 1990 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 30 (1):59-72.
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    La philosophie reconstructive en discussions: dialogues avec Jean-Marc Ferry.Quentin Landenne, Louis Carré & Jean-Marc Ferry (eds.) - 2014 - [Lormont]: Le Bord de l'eau.
    AUTOUR DE LA RELIGION REFLEXIVE. Le concept de réflexivité chez Jean-Marc Ferry. Réflexions sur le point de vue moral. Dépasser l'ex-communication politique du religieux. AUTOUR DE LA REPUBLIQUE CREPUSCULAIRE. Prendre l'Europe au sérieux. Une éthique de la reconnaissance internationale. Pour une république européenne placée sous le signe de l'aurore.
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    Engineering the Climate: The Ethics of Solar Radiation Management.Albert Borgmann, Holly Jean Buck, Wylie Carr, Forrest Clingerman, Maialen Galarraga, Benjamin Hale, Marion Hourdequin, Ashley Mercer, Konrad Ott, Clare Palmer, Ronald Sandler, Patrick Taylor Smith, Bronislaw Szerszynski & Kyle Powys Whyte (eds.) - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    Engineering the Climate: The Ethics of Solar Radiation Management is a wide-ranging and expert analysis of the ethics of the intentional management of solar radiation. This book will be a useful tool for policy-makers, a provocation for ethicists, and an eye-opening analysis for both the scientist and the general reader with interest in climate change.
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    Full Collection of Personal Narratives.Austin Morris, P. Lisa, Jeanne Kerwin, Jean Watson, Eve Makoff, Brent R. Carr, Anonymous One, Michelle Prong, Laura J. Hoeksema, Tracy R. Wilson, Frances Rieth Maynard, Laura A. Katers & Maggie Taylor - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (1).
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Full Collection of Personal NarrativesAustin Morris, Lisa P., Jeanne Kerwin, Jean Watson, Eve Makoff, Brent R. Carr, Anonymous One, Michelle Prong, Laura J. Hoeksema, Tracy R. Wilson, Frances Rieth Maynard, Laura A. Katers, and Maggie Taylor• Against Their Wishes: The Gift of a Goodbye• Lisa’s Story• Unbefriended• The Clinical Ethics Consult: Transforming Ambivalence to Action• Side Stepping The Issues: Disappointment With An Ethics Consult For A Medically High (...)
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  11. Museum Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century.Robert R. Archibald, Patrick J. Boylan, David Carr, Christy S. Coleman, Helen Coxall, Chuck Dailey, Jennifer Eichstedt, Hilde Hein, Eilean Hooper-Greenhill, Lesley Lewis, Timothy W. Luke, Didier Maleuvre, Suma Mallavarapu, Terry L. Maple, Michael A. Mares, Jennifer L. Martin, Jean-Paul Martinon, Scott G. Paris, Jeffrey H. Patchen, Marilyn E. Phelan, Donald Preziosi, Franklin W. Robinson, Douglas Sharon & Sherene Suchy - 2006 - Altamira Press.
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    The Human and Educational Significance of Honesty as an Epistemic and Moral Virtue.David Carr - 2014 - Educational Theory 64 (1):1-14.
    While honesty is clearly a virtue of some educational as well as moral significance, its virtue-ethical status is far from clear. In this essay, following some discussion of latter-day virtue ethics and virtue epistemology, David Carr argues that honesty exhibits key features of both moral and epistemic virtue, and, more precisely, that honesty as a virtue might best be understood as the epistemic component of Aristotelian practical wisdom. In the wake of arguments to be found in Plato's Laws, as well (...)
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    Jean-Luc Marion. On Descartes’ Passive Thought: The Myth of Cartesian Dualism. Trans. Christina M. Gschwandtner. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018. 304 pp. [REVIEW]Raoul Moati - 2019 - Critical Inquiry 45 (4):992-994.
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    Gauss et la méthode des moindres carrés.Jean Luc Chabert - 1989 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 42 (1):5-26.
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    MANSELLI, Raoul, La religion populaire au Moyen Âge. Problèmes de méthode et d'histoire.Jean-Thierry Maertens - 1977 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 33 (2):203-204.
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    L'atelier d'Eduardo Arryo: Le carré blanc du ring.Eduardo Arroyo, Armelle Auris, François Boissonnet, Paul Henry, Pierre-Jean Labarriere & Matieu - 1993 - Rue Descartes 7:149-168.
    Eduardo Arroyo, Armelle Auris, François Boissonnet, Paul HENRY, Pierre-Jean LABARRIERE, MATIEU, Gilles AILLAUD, Gérad THALMANN, Nicole MATHIEU, Jacques VIMARD, Michel QUAREZ, Leonardo CREMONINI, L'atelier d'Eduardo Arryo: Le carré blanc du ring, Rue Descartes, No. 7, Logiques de l'éthique (Juin 1993), pp. 149-168.
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    Biographie établie par Jean Da Silva sur les indications de Karen O’Rourke.Jean Da Silva & Karen O’Rourke - 2024 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 2:129-137.
    À la croisée de la philosophie et de l’histoire de l’art, Bernard Teyssèdre a ouvert des champs de recherche très divers, ce qui a suscité l’enthousiasme de ses étudiants, mais aussi déconcerté ceux qui restaient attachés à leur pré carré disciplinaire. Présenter aujourd’hui son parcours intellectuel revient à faire redécouvrir certains de ses travaux oubliés en esthétique afin de montrer leur singularité et leur cohérence profondément hégélienne, bien que ses recherches aient pris des formes très différentes et abordés avec (...)
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    An Introductory Study Guide to Public Health and Epidemiology. By Nigel Unwin, Susan Carr & Joyce Leeson, with Tanja Pless-Mulloli. Pp. 152. (Open University Press, Buckingham, 1996.) £45.00, hardback; £12.99, paperback. [REVIEW]Jean Peters - 1998 - Journal of Biosocial Science 30 (3):425-430.
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    What is subjectivity?Jean-Paul Sartre - 2016 - New York: Verso. Edited by Michel Kail, Raoul Kirchmayr, Fredric Jameson, David Broder & Trista Selous.
    Jean-Paul Sartre, at the height of his powers, debates with Italy’s leading intellectuals In 1961, the prolific French intellectual Jean-Paul Sartre was invited to give a talk at the Gramsci Institute in Rome. In attendance were some of Italy’s leading Marxist thinkers, such as Enzo Paci, Cesare Luporini, and Galvano Della Volpe, whose contributions to the long and remarkable discussion that followed are collected in this volume, along with the lecture itself. Sartre posed the question “What is subjectivity?”—a (...)
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    Banalité du mal et sens du devoir chez les administrateurs de l’extermination.Jean-Ernest Joos - 1992 - Philosophiques 19 (1):61-74.
    Dans son rapport sur le procès d’Eichmann, Hannah Arendt propose le concept de banalité du mal pour caractériser le comportement des fonctionnaires allemands qui ont rendu possible l’Extermination des juifs. La banalité du mal désigne la perte du sens de la responsabilité politique au profit d’un simple « sens du devoir » à l’égard de l’Etat quel qu’il soit. Pourtant, selon l’historien Raoul Hilberg, ce qui frappe dans le processus de l’Extermination c’est la remarquable autonomie des services administratifs impliqués (...)
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    La logique et la pensée.Jean Theau - 1977 - Dialogue 16 (1):68-103.
    Il semble que, surtout dans les pays de langue anglaise influencés par un idéal industriel, un assez grand nombre de phi-losophes, nouveaux Pygmalions sans le savoir, aient caressé le rêve pourtant glacial d'une logique toute mécanique, qui organiserait le savoir en se substituant à la pensée. Le désir de transporter en philosophie les victotres sans réplique du calcul et de la technicité, où le génie humain se dissimule mais se sent sûr de soi comme un dieu, le culte de l'objectivité (...)
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    Bernard Teyssèdre : un esthéticien non-conformiste.Dominique Chateau & Jean Da Silva - 2024 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 2:7-20.
    À la croisée de la philosophie et de l’histoire de l’art, Bernard Teyssèdre a ouvert des champs de recherche très divers, ce qui a suscité l’enthousiasme de ses étudiants, mais aussi déconcerté ceux qui restaient attachés à leur pré carré disciplinaire. Présenter aujourd’hui son parcours intellectuel revient à faire redécouvrir certains de ses travaux oubliés en esthétique afin de montrer leur singularité et leur cohérence profondément hégélienne, bien que ses recherches aient pris des formes très différentes et abordés avec (...)
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    Podstawy algebry deontycznej i modalnej Jean-Louis Gardiesa.Jan Huszcza - 1981 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 1:93-112.
    L'article présente les travaux du logicien français Jean-Luois Gardies concernant les logiques deontiques et modales. Dans sa premiére partie on expose une suite des relations entre les termes deontiques et modales introduite par J.L. Gardies. Ces relations illustrées graphiquement se présentent comme des polygones correspondents (carré, hexagone etc.) de méme que les a exposées J.L. Gardies. L'analyse minutieuse de ces relations faite par lui permet de distinguer quelques unes ď entre elles comme les axiomes des systémes de la (...)
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  24.  42
    Realists and nominalists.Meyrick Heath Carré - 1946 - New York, etc.]: Oxford University Press.
    Saint Augustine.--Peter Abaelard.--Saint Thomas Aquinas.--William of Ockham.
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    The Platonic Renaissance in England.M. H. Carre - 1956 - Philosophical Quarterly 6 (22):84-84.
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  26. Ralph cudworth.Meyrick H. Carré - 1953 - Philosophical Quarterly 3 (13):342-351.
  27. (4 other versions)Ecce homo.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche & Raoul Richter - 1911 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications. Edited by Anthony M. Ludovici.
    Published posthumously in 1908, Ecce Homo was written in 1888 and completed just a few weeks before Nietzsche’s complete mental collapse. Its outrageously egotistical review of the philosopher’s life and works—featuring chapters called Why I Am So Wise and Why I Write Such Good Books—are redeemed from mere arrogance by masterful language and ever-relevant ideas. In addition to settling scores with his many personal and philosophical enemies, Nietzsche emphasizes the importance of questioning traditional morality, establishing autonomy, and making a commitment (...)
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  28. Consistance de Voltaire le philosophe.J. -R. Carré - 1938 - Paris,: Boivin & cie.
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    Understanding human encounters goes beyond explaining musculoskeletal coordination: a review.David Carré & Carlos Cornejo - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (8):1479-1484.
    Complex systems theory has become one of the main frameworks to understand, model and explain interactional phenomena such as interpersonal coordination. In her paper, Butler (this issue) applies this approach to theorise about coordination at large, including human interactions. We argue that the all-encompassing language of complex systems theory leads to overemphasising the physical aspects that human interactions share with other coordinated systems in nature. This emphasis ultimately disregards the meaningful dimension implied in any human movement, understanding it as mechanical (...)
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    Nicolaus of Autrecourt.Meyrick H. Carre & Julius Rudolph Weinberg - 1949 - Philosophical Review 58 (4):388.
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  31. Does it follow?Meyrick Heath Carré - 1944 - an New York [etc.]: T. Nelson and sons.
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    La conquête de la liberté spirituelle.J. -R. Carré - 1939 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 46 (4):627 - 646.
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    Linear correlates in the speech signal: Consequences of the specific use of an acoustic tube?René Carré - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):261-262.
    The debate on the origin of the locus equation is circular. In this commentary the locus equation is obtained by way of a theoretical model based on acoustics without recourse to articulatory knowledge or perceptual constraints. The proposed model is driven by criteria of minimum energy and maximum simplicity.
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    Raymond Aron and the moral and cultural conditions of liberal democracy during war time.Alexis Carré - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (4):722-736.
    If the specificity of liberal democracy, as a regime, is to base power on consent then political violence appears to contradict the typical self-understanding of the societies whose functioning it informs. A justification of the motives which may call for such violence thus becomes both a political and a philosophical problem when such a regime faces the necessity to resort to violent means of action. Reaching intellectual maturity during the 30’s and the 40’s, while democratic states were faltering in Europe, (...)
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    Critical notices.M. H. Carré - 1948 - Mind 57 (226):237-244.
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    Sur l'infini II. — sur l'infini de qualite.J. -R. Carré - 1948 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 53 (4):337 - 349.
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  37. Sur l'infini. II. Infini de Qualité.J. R. Carré - 1948 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 53:337.
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  38. ed De veritate.Meyrick H. Carre - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47:335.
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  39. Literary Positivism.Meyrick H. CarrÉ - 1951 - Hibbert Journal 50:232.
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    Reverting to a hidden interactional order: Epistemics, informationism, and conversation analysis.Jean Wong & Michael Lynch - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (5):526-549.
    This article critically examines the relations between epistemics in conversation analysis and linguistic and cognitivist conceptions of communicative interaction that emphasize information and information transfer. The epistemic program adheres to the focus on recorded instances of talk-in-interaction that is characteristic of CA, explicitly identifies its theoretical origins with ethnomethodology, and points to implications of its research for the social distribution of knowledge. However, despite such affiliations with CA and ethnomethodology, the EP is cognitivist in the way it emphasizes information exchange (...)
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    Argumentative Patterns for Justifying Scientific Explanations.Jean H. M. Wagemans - 2016 - Argumentation 30 (1):97-108.
    The practice of justifying scientific explanations generates argumentative patterns in which several types of arguments may play a role. This paper is aimed at identifying these patterns on the basis of an exploration of the institutional conventions regarding the nature, the shape and the quality of scientific explanations as reflected in the writings of influential philosophers of science. First, a basic pattern for justifying scientific explanations is described. Then, two types of extensions of this pattern are presented. These extensions are (...)
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    Artificial intelligence and work: a critical review of recent research from the social sciences.Jean-Philippe Deranty & Thomas Corbin - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-17.
    This review seeks to present a comprehensive picture of recent discussions in the social sciences of the anticipated impact of AI on the world of work. Issues covered include: technological unemployment, algorithmic management, platform work and the politics of AI work. The review identifies the major disciplinary and methodological perspectives on AI’s impact on work, and the obstacles they face in making predictions. Two parameters influencing the development and deployment of AI in the economy are highlighted: the capitalist imperative and (...)
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  43. The wall.Jean-Paul Sartre - unknown
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  44. La Philosophie du Monde Scientifique Et Industriel Par Jean Bernhardt [Et Al.].Jean Bernhardt - 1973 - Hachette.
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    Camus entre Plotin et Nietzsche: hommage à Jean-François Mattéi, philosophe.Jean Sarocchi - 2014 - Nice: Les Éditions Ovadia. Edited by Jean-François Mattéi.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau traducteur de Tacite.Cornelius Tacitus, Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Catherine Volpilhac-Auger - 1995 - Université de Saint-Etienne.
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    The World-Directedness of Emotional Feeling: Affective Intentionality and Position-Taking.Jean Moritz Müller - 2022 - Emotion Review 14 (4):244-253.
    Emotion Review, Volume 14, Issue 4, Page 244-253, October 2022. This article is a précis of my 2019 monograph The World-Directedness of Emotional Feeling: On Affect and Intentionality. The book engages with a growing trend of philosophical thinking according to which the felt dimension and the intentionality of emotion are unified. While sympathetic to the general approach, I argue for a reconceptualization of the form of intentionality that emotional feelings are widely thought to possess and, accordingly, of the kind of (...)
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  48. Logica Universalis: Towards a General Theory of Logic.Jean-Yves Béziau (ed.) - 2005 - Boston: Birkhäuser Verlog.
    Universal Logic is not a new logic, but a general theory of logics, considered as mathematical structures. The name was introduced about ten years ago, but the subject is as old as the beginning of modern logic: Alfred Tarski and other Polish logicians such as Adolf Lindenbaum developed a general theory of logics at the end of the 1920s based on consequence operations and logical matrices. The subject was revived after the flowering of thousands of new logics during the last (...)
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    "Stroop" effect: Input or output phenomenon?Douglas L. Hintzman, Frank A. Carre, Veronica L. Eskridge, Anthony M. Owens, Stephanie S. Shaff & M. Elaine Sparks - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 95 (2):458.
  50.  26
    Phases of Thought in England.Fulton H. Anderson & Meyrick H. Carre - 1950 - Philosophical Review 59 (3):394.
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